Reporting side effects

Reporting side effects

If you notice side effects that may be caused by the use of Galaxy sh.p.k. medicines, do not hesitate to inform us.

For this purpose you may contact us by:


Address: Galaxy sh.p.k., Rruga “Skënder Vila” 1022, Tirana, Albania

The Reporting Formulary

    In case of medical emergencies please contact immediately your doctor, pharmacist and / or the emergency department.

    1. To whom does this report apply?

    This report is about (*)

    2. Informations about the patient who experienced the side effect.

    Birthday (*)

    Sex (*)

    3. Informations about the drug that is suspected to have caused the side effect.

    Drug name and dose (e.g. Rokivit D3 28000IE) (*)

    Dosage (e.g. 400 mg twice daily) (*)

    4. Informations about the experienced side effect.

    Description of the signs / symptoms (e.g. itching, redness etc.) (*)

    5. Additional information.

    6. Informations about the reporter.

    Name, Surname (*)

    Telephone (*)

    Town (*)

    Country (*)

    The patient and the reporter are the same person? (*)